creative director | writer

360 Activation

To go head-to-head with Kitkat's break,Twix embraced moments of mindfulness. The more time you spend with Twix the more you’ll see and appreciate the world around you. We partnered with international artists from Russia to Australia to create a Where’s Waldo-esque world, rewarding our audience for taking a moment from their own chaos to look a little deeper, and find the Twix and little Twix pause buttons hidden in the art.


The integrated activation included live events, interactive games, newspaper puzzles, live radio DJ games, print, outdoor, postcards, point-of-sale, pack wraps, coffee break events, banners, giveaways and wandering trucks, each encouraging people to take a beat, get mindful, enjoy the moment, and find their Twix.
AD: Daryl Villanueva